About us
JSP Management Ltd covers most of the country. Jsp Management Ltd services clients from the Derbyshire peak district across to the North Norfolk Coast and down to Essex and back across to the Somerset Levels. We have a variety of skills and experiences to draw on, and we are supported by a wider network of experienced people.
Jim was brought up in Oxfordshire, and went to Shuttleworth College in Bedfordshire to study a HND in Agriculture. He was also selected to study the Worshipful Company of Farmers Advanced Farm Business Management course at Wye College. Jim has managed farms in East Anglia and the Midlands before turning to Farm Consultancy. He has extensive experience in the Countryside Stewardship Schemes and Basic Payment Scheme.
address: Thorpe View, The Green, Culworth, Banbury, OX17 2BB
tel/fax: 01295 760779
mob: 07860 638557
email: [email protected]
JSP Management Ltd also has a Book Keeper for day to day Farm Account Management and uses the services of a part time Accountant for end of month accounting.