JSP Management Ltd
tel/fax: 01295 760779
mob: 07860 638557
email: [email protected]

Management plans

JSP Management uses specially designed computer software to produce soil, nutrient and manure management plans capable of fulfilling the requirements of the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone legislation, Cross Compliance, Entry Level Scheme and the Crop Assurance Schemes.

We produce professional looking documents that also serve as working documents capable of storing information on fertiliser and manure use throughout the season.

All farmers need to complete a nutrient management plan before applying any inorganic fertiliser and those applying manure or stock on their farm need a manure management plan which includes a risk assessment map of your farm.


Management Plan Plus

A new service to help you through the regulatory minefield.


I will visit you in October / November, and double check that your records from the previous season are correct. If there are gaps or omissions I will take away the plans and get them recorded up correctly, then return them in a handy wallet to be stored away safe in the knowledge, that should an inspection happen, all you need to do is pick them up off the shelf and they will be correct.