Hedge plants and fencing
JSP Management can supply a huge variety of hedge and tree species from bare root through to container grown specimen trees plus all related products such as spiral guards, net guards, tubes, canes, ties, tree stakes and fertiliser.
We also supply a full range of materials for fencing including round posts, post and rail, wooden and galvanised gates, all types of stock and equine wire, and of course all the necessary extra items needed to complete the job. We offer a nation-wide supply service, with regular lorry deliveries in your area. Our knowledge and experience means that we can advise you on the best product for your job.
We can offer a full planting and maintenance service for hedges and woodlands, plus our own highly skilled and experienced team will erect your fencing if needed.
We also have the facility to take cuttings collected from your own hedgerows so as to keep the provenance true to your locality.
Finally, JSP Management can look into whether grants are available for tree and hedge planting on your farm, and assist in the preparation of tender documents for the appropriate funding.